The "International Commission of the Palaeozoic Microflora" or "Commission Internationale de la Microflore du Paléozoique" (CIMP) is an international federation of palynologists interested in Palaeozoic palynology. The commission aims to advance knowledge of palynology and related subjects by the promotion of international co-operation and meetings between scientists of all regions and countries. To this end the CIMP arranges symposia and working groups which deal with various stratigraphical and taxonomic problems in Palaeozoic palynology.
CIMP awarded three travel grants to help students to attend the 15th International Palynological Congress in Prague in May, 2024
CIMP supported student members to present talks at the 15th International Palynological Congress held in Prague in May 2024. Three grants of €500 were awarded.
Upcoming Meetings:
The 12th European Palaeobotany Palynology Conference (EPPC), will be held in Münster, Germany in 2026
Details of CIMP involvement to follow
The latest CIMP Newsletter is available here
The Abstract Book from the 2023 AASP/CIMP Meeting in Lexington is available here
Webmaster: CIMP Executive Committee